Experience, Happenings
Hybrid Learning Sorted: 5 Reasons for a Learning Management System
At the start of 2020 we were all set to implement and launch our Learning Management System (LMS) called “Bridge”. We had looked at how we can easily implement blended learning formats into trivago and provide talents with the support they needed to practice self-driven learning.
As the pandemic came around the corner, and we shifted into home office, we quickly realized that the LMS also allowed us to adapt our learning and development efforts to our new way of working. Moving into 2021, we’re confident that we can continue to live our core value of Fanatic Learning and adapt our learning and development efforts to our hybrid working model with the help of our LMS.
Bridge has enabled us to expand our knowledge and attend courses at our own pace – learning has never been easier or more convenient! If you’re wondering how you or your organization can benefit from an LMS, we’ve compiled 5 reasons why implementing our LMS during the pandemic has empowered fanatic learning at trivago!
1. It’s a one-stop shop for learning
Instead of a lot of admin and ad hoc requests, we now have one central place where everyone can find development opportunities, giving both talents and content creators a bigger audience to promote their knowledge sharing to. It doesn’t matter if your topic is broad or niche. There’s one place to find what is available for everyone, giving everyone an equal opportunity to attend or engage with content, which in turns has fostered cross-team and cross-department knowledge sharing.Are you an engineer interested in account management? Or a recruiter interested in coding? There’s something for everyone in one place! Ranging from broad LinkedIn courses to team-specific trainings!
2. Anyone can create learning content
Making knowledge accessible for anyone in the company also meant giving everyone the ability to share and use this platform effectively. With the LMS we’ve currently implemented it’s easy to let anyone within the organization create content or organize a training session or presentation. We know that our talents are passionate about a broad range of topics and love sharing their knowledge, whether it’s related to their current role, a side project or their hobbies. We think it’s important for everyone to have access to a user-friendly platform than can support these talents in sharing what they know without a lot of hassle. Bridge offers this functionality for trainees to become trainers and vice versa!
3. It’s very interactive
We wanted a space where talents can interact with material that we’ve created and not let it be a once-off and one-sided occurrence. Engagement with content is much more important than simply doing a course and moving on to the next topic. Allowing talents to interact with different materials, comment and share their thoughts on it was something we knew we needed, as well as giving our creators the opportunity to collaboratively work on content and have a focused work space. Fortunately, our LMS gave us the perfect avenue to do so.
4. We have easy access to learning data
As we still have to rely on 100% remote learning opportunities, we also realised the need to be on top of the data that we gather when it comes to our talents’ interests and needs. To understand what type of webinars, trainings or courses to offer, and to keep up with the changing demands, we needed something that would allow us to adapt quickly. Having an LMS has allowed us to start identifying quickly if we’re lacking in certain areas or which topics and type of learning formats our talents find most popular.
5. It’s hassle-free to manage and maintain
Last but not least, implementing an LMS has taken away a lot of the administrative burden for anyone who wants to share their knowledge or expertise. No need to worry about missing anyone in the invitations anymore, or having to deal with last minute sign-ups. It has allowed creators and us from the Talent Development & Engagement team to focus much more on the content rather than on sending out calendar blockers.
The tool has allowed us to share more, welcome our newcomers despite the remote setup, be more efficient, and supported us with digitalising our Learning and Development efforts. As we’re moving into a hybrid work model, where we’ll split our time between our homes and the office, we can’t imagine not having an effective LMS to support us on our learning journeys along the way!
Thanks to Stefanie Stakenburg, our Learning & Development Project Manager, for compiling this article ❤